We have enough stuff, but you can never have enough "Truck Stop Trash"! (see example pictures below) Or please donate to Junglekeepers to help preserve the Amazon rainforest (our honeymoon destination in Peru)!
If you choose to donate, on the JungleKeepers website make sure to click the GREEN donate button, NOT the ORANGE button :)
You’re presence in sharing our big day is the best gift that we could ask for. Between the two of us, we have plenty more stuff than we could ever need! In place of a gift, we ask you to consider donating in our honor to the Jungle Keepers Foundation. (or bring us Truck Stop Trash, see below for details!)
Why the Jungle Keepers?
For our honeymoon, we are travelling to Peru! We will be starting our trip 4 hours north of Puerto Maldonado, off the Las Piedras River somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Amazon Rainforest! Jungle Keepers built a ‘resort’ basecamp there called Alta Sanctuary with cabins, bungalows, and a treehouse built in an ancient host tree entangled in a strangler fig that sits above the canopy of the rainforest. Check out their website to see pictures, it’s pretty dang cool! They have guides that will take us on any jungle seeking adventure we are brave enough to do, educate us on anything we want to learn there, and they even make sure to feed us! Bonus? The treehouse has star link internet, talk about first-class!
P.S. We were going to elope in the treehouse and skip all this wedding hullabaloo, but ultimately decided you losers are special enough to us that we wanted to share this day with all of you!
What the heck is Jungle Keepers and why should I give them my hard-earned money?
Great question! They are a foundation in Peru, created by a guy originally from New York, that is working to preserve acreage in the Amazon Rainforest to stop logging, mining, and indigenous tribes from pushed out of their homes. They could certainly use the help more than we could, and we would be so greatful to show our support beyond spending our honeymoon there.
Are you guys ALL the way crazy?
Maybe a little…. No fear, the guides are experts and make sure to keep the black caymans and anacondas from eating us while we’re there!
Alas, if you are in anguish and convinced you might perish if you’re not permitted to show up with a gift, Justin (yes, all Justin’s idea, Kelsey lost this battle) requests that you bring us your best “Truck-Stop-Trash” souvenir. We will have a special table set up for you to adorn with these absolutely useless (but hilarious) trinkets. No pretty gift wrap needed, just find a way to put your name on it so we can appreciate who it’s from! And, there may or may not be a prize given out to whoever brings the most ridiculous trash!
What is Truck Stop Trash, you ask?
Kelsey had the same question! You know those stands at truck stops or gas stations that have insanely random ‘souvenirs’, shirts, trinket type knick knacks? That’s what we’re talking about. Think eagle patched bedazzled trucker hats. Skull shot glasses. Trashy license plates.
Is Kelsey really ok with this?
After much deliberation and resistance, she caved and is on board! She also realizes that ‘happy wife happy life’ extends both ways these days, so really she has no choice but to put up with Justin’s shenanigans!
Examples of some great Truck Stop Trash